Tuesday, July 26, 2011



POST-31 –VERSE 37,38,39


In Aphorism.35, we saw that – when we experience unusual happenings and experiences which are not in the possibility of others – we become more confident that we are on the right track in our Sadhana and pursue our Yoga practices with renewed trust and vigour.

In Aphorism.36 – we saw that – we feel a great joy, and experience a luminous inner light at times in our Yoga practices; and this also convinces us that we are progressing in our Sadhana. This also makes us confident to pursue our Sadhana with further vigour and intensity.

These are the results of the Sadhaka’s sincere, serious, intense efforts – and are not mere hallucinations. The Sadhaka knows and experiences them – but should he share them with others or be satisfied with them? Their purpose is – to give the Sadhaka, renewed trust in his practices / Sadhanas and continue them. Not to advertise his experiences to all – and thereby get distracted in his sadhanas.

Sadhakas need to understand constantly – that these are not the ultimate results they are seeking. These are the benefits in the mid path that Sadhakas may get,  to give them encouragement and to assure them that they are on the right track. They are not the ENDS in themselves.


veetha raaga vishayam vaa chittham

Ø  veetha = devoid of
Ø  raaga = attachment, desire
Ø  vishayam = an object of senses (here, of contemplation)
Ø  vaa = or
Ø  chithtam = of the consciousness, of the mind

There are  great people who have gone beyond the constraints of dualities like – “likes and dislikes”, which bind other ordinary people and are therefore very pure in their minds and hearts.

 If we meditate on such great people, our minds also become pure, stabilized and peaceful. The mind of Sadhaka tends to imbibe the great qualities of these Mahatmas.

This also implies the great values of internal sathsang. Think of good – you become good. Think of the compassionate. You become compassionate. Think of Great Yogis – you also tend to become a Great yogi.

It also implies – that you must not think of the impure, violent, desire-filled people  -because, their qualities will also come to you – and much FASTER.


svapna nidhraa jnaana aalambanam vaa

Ø  svapna = dream state
Ø  nidhraa = sleep
Ø  jnaana = wisdom
Ø  aalambanam = as support
Ø  vaa = or

What you think of in your waking state, that only will come as your experience in your sleep and dreams. If you are thinking of good people and their good deeds, your dreams also will be full of the goodness of these great people. In sleep also , you will feel great peace. 

In such cases, some times, you will get great insights and wisdom into the greatness of the great people – in your sleep / dreams. In fact, many great people come across great discoveries of the eternal truths about this world – all of a sudden, in their sleep / dreams.

In reverse, if you get any such wisdom or joy in your dreams / sleep – meditate on them. Contemplate on them. Your wisdom will extend itself. Your peace and joy will extend themselves. Your mind will become joyful and peaceful.

The Sadhaka can even contemplate on the nature of pure sleep – devoid of all dreams and devoid of all restlessness or on the nature of dreams (specially peaceful, joyful dreams) – and the experience the Sadhaka will get in all these cases – will give him great support in his efforts in Yoga.

In short – Patanjali advises – whatever good things / good people that you come across in your waking state, sleep state and dream state – you can meditate on them and all of them will aid you and support you greatly in your sadhanas.



yathaa abhimata dhyaanath va

Ø  yathaa = according to
Ø  abhimatha = one's own choice or desire
Ø  dhyanaath = meditate on
Ø  vaa = or

This is the last and final of the choices that Patanjali indicates – to support your Yoga Sadhanas and to achieve a peaceful, tranquil mind-set, that supports your Yoga Sadhanas.

Whatever suits your aptitude and attitude – that type of meditation – you can  adopt – for achieving your peace and steadiness. This is especially required for people who do not find any of the above methods helpful – but may find some other virtuous method more helpful. 

Like, for instance, reading a few verses of Bhagavad Gita daily – before sitting for Yoga Sadhana. This also helps. Adi Sankara especially advises this as daily practice. The wisdom of the Gita will permeate and fill your waking state, sleep state and Dream state – and make your Sadhana more confident and purposeful.

A Christian can read a few sentences from the Bible. A Buddhist may read a few teachings of Buddha. A Jain may read teachings of Mahavira. Anything – which fills you with noble thoughts is GOOD for furthering your Yoga Sadhana.
But, suppose you have been watching violent, sex-filled, sinister-action filled movies for last few days! Will meditation on them aid your Yoga Sadhanas? Absolutely not. You can’t meditate for a minute. 

Patanjali, before giving the choices from Verse.34 to 39 – had given compulsory practices – like friendliness, compassion, joy, etc in v.33 and earlier. They are compulsory. 

What are given from V.34  to v.39 are optional -  but they are highly supportive of Yoga Sadhana. They also indicate the interim, mid-path results you will get in your Yoga sadhanas – and indicate that you are on right track.

This last verse in options – v.39 gives the Sadhaka – his own choice – which must however, be in line with the Goal of samadhi.

Your meditation must thus be oriented constantly towards your essential goal of Samaadhi.

The Next verse – tells us – what RESULTS start coming to a Yogi – who does his meditation and other Sadhanas in accordance with the above methods (so far prescribed by Patanjali).

*  *  *   E  N  D  *  *  *

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