Tuesday, August 2, 2011



POST-36 –VERSE 45,46,47


In the last 4 verses, we have seen (1) Savitharka Samaadhi (2) Nirvitharka Samaadhi (3) Savichaara Samaadhi and (4) Nirvichaara Samaadhi

We saw that the Samaadhi happens only in the person in whom the chittha vritthis have weakened completely. He can attain the samaadhi state by meditating on the self (gruheethru), the instruments of sense perception (Grahana) and the perceived objects outside (Graahyam). He can attain oneness with them – when meditating on them – like a pure crystal which can take the colour of any object placed before it – but without any way getting affected by it.

The Sadhaka can either meditate on gross objects or on subtle objects. When he meditates on gross objects, Savitharka and Nirvitharka Samaadhi results – first Savitharka, when Sabda (Sound),artha (Meaning), Jnaana (Knowledge) occur in an  integrated way; Later by the dissolving of Sabda and Jnaana and the illumination of only artha  - the Nirvitharka Samaadhi results. Nirvitharka Samaadhi flashes us the meaning without dependence on logic. We know – but we don’t need logic for explaining our knowledge. In  simpler terms – when we enter into Nirvitharka Samaadhi – all logic ends; but knowledge even beyond all logic becomes known to us.

When we meditate on subtle objects (instead of Gross objects) the Savithraka Samaadhi that results is called Savichaara Samaadhi. Likeiwse, on meditation on subtle objects – the Nirvitharka Samaadhi that results is called Nirvichaara Samaadhi.


sookshma vishayathvam

cha alinga paryavasaanam

Ø  sookshma = subtle things
Ø  vishayathvam =having as objects
Ø  cha = and
Ø  alinga = subtlest thing like the unmanifest prakrithi
Ø  paryavasaanam = extending up to, ending at

Earth, air, water, fire etc are gross objects. Smaller Objects made of these Gross objects like house, chair etc are also Gross objects. Human body and its parts are also gross objects. These are objects of meditation for Savitharka and Nirvitharka Samaadhi.

But, for Savichaara and Nirvichaara Samaadhis – the Sadhaka will meditate on very subtle objects.

These Subtle objects are very, very small like the atom – or even smaller than atom.
The ancient Vedantic and Yogic texts mention a few subtle objects – like Tanmaatras, Aham thathvam, Mahath, unmanifest Prakrithi (called Maya).The lat mentioned, namely unmanifest Prakrithi is the subtlest entity.

Now – these subtle objects form the objects of meditation for Savichaara and Nirvichaara samaadhis. The objects of meditation being the smallest and subtlest – the meditation that proceeds on them – will naturally and necessarily remove from us all bonds of gross objects.


taaha eva Sabeejah Samaadhih

Ø  taaha = all the four above mentioned Samaadhis
Ø  eva = only
Ø  sabeejah = are with seed ( binding us to Samsaara/ world)
Ø  samaadhih = deep meditations

The 4 Samaadhis so far described do not give us final liberation. This is because – they do not destroy the seeds Samsaara ; all and the seeds of past actions are still inside and propelling the individual towards action. 

The Sadhakas are meditating on a THING – big or small, gross or subtle – and  are in some way bound to it. They are not escaping from these things on which they meditate. Therefore – the four meditations cannot give the Sadhakas mukthi or liberation. So – these are called Sabeeja Samaadhis – or Samaadhis in which the seeds are retained.


nirvichaara vaisharadhye 

adhyaathma prasaadah

Ø  nirvichaara = not having subtle thoughts (Nirvichaara Samaadhi)
Ø  vaishaaradhye = continuous flow; undisturbed flow
Ø  adhyaatma = mind, self
Ø  prasaadah = purity, peacefulness

Which is the best Samaadhi – out of the 4 above mentioned? 

Because, Sadhaka is  meditating on the subtlest objects, Nirvichaara Samaadhi is the Best – because the Sadhaka's mind becomes absolutely peaceful and pure. It becomes eligible to receive ultimate wisdom.

*  *  *   E  N  D  *  *  *

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