Friday, December 20, 2013







Tatah Sankhascha bheryascha  panavaanaka gomukhaah  |

sahasaavabhyahanyantha sa sabdastumulobhavathu  ||

Meaning :

"Just at that time, very suddenly, Conchs, kettle-drums, tabors, trumpets, cow-horns (different types of sound producing Instruments used by warriors of different Grades) were sounded (by the warriors) and there was a tremendous noise all-around."

Bheeshma enthused his entire army by his war-cry, made through his Conch-sound. Enthused thus by their commander-in-chief, all other warriors in Kaurava army blared forth their respective war cries with their respective sound-instruments.

Kurukshetra was called Dharma Kshetra. In the west, it is said that "all is fair in Love and war." it was not so in wars fought by Great commanders in India. In Ramayana also, on their first day of battle with each other, Rama reduced the great Ravana into utter helplessness, destroying his chariot and all his arms. But, Rama didn't kill him then. He asked him to go back, get ready with his arms and chariot again, sleep well, eat well and come back again next day to fight him. This was in consonance with the principles of "Dharma Yuddha" or righteous war. 

Like Rama, Bheeshma was also a Great Commander, wedded to the  principles of righteous warfare. So, he emits the war cry through his Conch and prepares both sides for the war. On hearing his war-cry, other warriors also repeat their war cries through their respective sound Instruments.The war-mood should first  catch on among all warriors, elephants, Horses etc assembled on the war-field.

In a righteous war, no one shall attack - women, children or old men, and any person who has no arms. The war shall start only when both commanders give the signal and end sharply at dusk, when the Sun sets. No one shall attack their rivals after the commanders have signaled the closure of war for the day at Dusk.

All these principles of righteous warfare were strictly followed until Bhishma remained as commander in chief. Later, it was slightly watered down, when Duryodhama wanted to "somehow" win on individual warriors. The ultimate unrighteous war was waged after the war was closed officially; and it was waged by Drona's son Aswatthaama, who killed all remaining warriors, when they were in deep sleep. This slide down in righteousness was a signal to the entry of Kaliyuga sometime after the Mahabharata war was over.

Tatah swethairhayairyukte mahati syandane sthitou   |

Maadhavah Paandavaschaiva Divyau sankhau pradadhmutah   || 

Meaning :

"Then,Lord Krishna and Arjuna, who were seated in their Magnificent chariot, drawn by pure white coloured Horses, took out their celestial Conchs and blew them." 

In this sloka, the one great, clinching difference between the Pandava Army and the Kaurava army, which will ultimately secure victory for the Pandavas becomes evident and significant. The Chariot on which Lord Krishna is seated is one gifted to Arjuna by the Gods. Lord Krishna, who is the Greatest of all warriors, is seated as the Charioteer. He will not himself fight the war and will not use any arms in the war; but, he will steer the Chariot of Arjuna, for whom, he is the friend, philosopher and guide. 

The word Madhava, used in this sloka for Lord Krishna - means, the lord (husband) of  Goddess Lakshmi,the giver of all riches, treasures and victories. When such a lord of victories is steering his chariot, can Arjuna face defeat? 

Not only that, even the Conchs blew by Lord Krishna and Arjuna were celestial and divine in Origin. 

Before the war, Arjuna had performed Great Penance to please the Gods and Lord Siva. That Penance had given him many divine materials and arms for the ensuing Mahabharata War. His Bow and Quiver were of divine origin. His chariot was of divine origin. His charioteer was the ultimate divinity. In his quiver were arrows which replenished themselves automatically. His Conch is of Divine Origin. Thus, Arjuna is surrounded by all divinity - and is thus invincible for any human power.


Paanchajanyam Hriseekeso Devadattam Dhananjayah   |

Paundram dadhmou mahaasankham Bheemakarmaa vrikodarah  || 

Meaning :

" Lord Krishna (who was the conqueror of the senses) blew his Great Conch, Paanchajanyam; Arjuna(the one who had won over treasures and riches) blew his Conch Devadattam (the Conch gifted by the Gods);Bheema(the one with wolf-like stomuch) blew his conch, Poundram. "

All these are divine Conches with extraordinary sound, sending shivers down the spine of the enemy armies. All the five Pandavas were gifted with Divine Conches. 

Bheema was famous for his huge physical prowess. Hrisheekesa means, conqueror of senses. He was the charioteer, holding the reins of Arjuna's divine chariot and controlling them. In reality, he was the controller of Arjuna's senses  and his destiny. Arjuna had placed himself and his goal of victory in the war  totally in the hands of Hriseekesa or Lord Krishna.

.....Will Continue.

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